Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) originating from the process of milk to make cheese
In the past, when using the milk making a cheese by the process of makes milk to sedimentation is sticky lumps called curd and use curd to make cheese. It does have parts of liquid that waste, which is left out. Villagers use this waste as feed of cattle. The cattle are fed with milk residue are growing well.
Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) make from the milk residue.
Later the milk residue was used to research. It was found that the residue milk is very high quality protein (Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate) than the typical natural foods. And protein from the milk residue, the body can be protein to deploy quickly.The body can use this protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) to repair tissues.
The body can use this protein to repair and build tissues as well and many proteins in this fluid have a special feature such as enhance the body's immune system, against infection and fight against cancer. It's not just the waste from the production of cheese sold and a lead to the production of liquid is serious.Today it has developed to the stage of separate production type of proteins that have special features come out. Once it was the liquid wastes from the production of cheese, it was found that this is valuable whey later.