7. People with diarrhea, bloating after drinking milk, they consume The Dymatize Elite Whey supplement, is beneficial or not.
The most common cause of people to bloating and diarrhea after drinking milk, it often caused by the body cannot digest the sugar in milk that called lactose. But they can eat WPI or The
Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate, because it contains lactose less than 0.1 g per cup (20 grams) of whey, which is a very small amount of lactose.
8. Children, adolescents and pregnant women to eat the Dymatize Elite Whey are a good way or not.
This whey is good for these people. It has high quality protein. Children and adolescents is growing or pregnant women that fetal is developing can benefit from it as well, which it has a large amount of alpha-lactalbumin in the second. It is one of the core proteins in the mother's milk.
9. Children can eat the Dymatize Elite Whey instead of plain milk, it is good or not.
It's not good to eat instead of plain milk, because children need fat for tissue or organ, which has lipid as composition and is very low in fat.