Home » April 2012
The recommended dose of Dymatize Elite Whey

For athletes or bodybuilders that desired build bigger muscles, the recommended dose is 1.5 to 2 g per 1 kg body weight

Normal amount of protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) that the body should be in each day is 1 g per 1 kg body weight such as the weight of 60 kg should receive 60 g of protein per day. For athletes or bodybuilders that desired build bigger muscles, the recommended dose is 1.5 to 2 g per 1 kg body weight or about 2 times the amount of it should receive each day.

This is because the body needs to use more protein to build muscle. This is example of calculations for those who want to build muscle, if 60 kg body weight, it is 90-120 grams of it per day as needed.

Dymatize Elite Whey is recommended to eat before exercise 30 minutes or within two hours after exercise, or both.

How to take Dymatize Elite Whey timing for most effective?

The appropriate time to eat is during the exercise period in 2 hours. In general, it is recommended to eat before exercise 30 minutes or within two hours after exercise, or both. This helps the body absorb the protein into the body to build muscle as effectively as possible. By Mix 2 tablespoons of this bodybuilding supplement (Dymatize Elite Whey) powder, with 300-400 ml of water or juice, shake well before eating.

Dymatize Elite Whey is best?

Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate is ideal for professional athletes and bodybuilders.WPC will help to build muscle directlyWPC will help to build muscle directly

Choosing the type of Dymatize Elite Whey for intake is based on the purpose of training at that time.

WPC will help to build muscle directly. It is appropriate for typical athletes, weight gain or those who want to build muscle quickly, because it has a wide range in the market.

 For building muscle more efficiently, you should consider the WPC formulations with high amounts of protein. This means that the amount of fat and low sugar. But for those who want to gain weight, you should choose a WPC formula that has not very high percentage of protein, because it weight gain will be from fat and carbohydrate that mixed.

Dymatize Elite Whey protein will help to build muscle directly

The WPI or the Dymatize Elite Whey has fat and carbohydrates very low.

Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate is ideal for professional athletes, bodybuilders that desired sharpness of the muscles and build muscle at the same time.

Types of whey protein: HWP

HWP is WPC or WPI (Dymatize Elite Whey) that is being processed hydrolyze

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein (HWP) It is WPC or WPI (Dymatize Elite Whey) that is being processed hydrolyze, which make protein molecules are very large to be broken into smaller molecules called peptides and some were broken down into amino acids levels.

HWP is often used as a milk formula for infants or special medical purposes.

The scientific evidence indicates that the protein is in the form of peptides is absorbed by the body better than large molecules and better than free amino acids. It is believed that it is digested and absorbed as soon as possible. It is likely to cause allergies, less than other protein (Dymatize Elite Whey). It is often used as a milk formula for infants or special medical purposes.

The disadvantage of the HWP is a very bitter taste.

It is similar to the Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate that is being processed hydrolyzes.

The disadvantage of the HWP is a very bitter taste. In the hydrolyze process, the protein with special features may damage. In addition, it is expensive. The HWP 100% is not available in the market. However, some brands use it mixed with other protein, which it depends on the manufacturer's formula to increase some advantages, but the price will increase. Typically, protein available, usually it mixed not exceeding 20%, because it tastes bitter.

Types of whey protein: WPI (Dymatize Elite Whey)

Obtained from implementing by using WPC coming through the production process additional

Whey Protein Isolate: WPI (Dymatize Elite Whey)

Obtained from implementing by using WPC coming through the production process additional, is the Ion-exchange (IE) or Cross-flow microfiltration (CFM) to remove lactose and fat, which is still available for another. This causes the concentration of this bodybuilding supplement is higher than 90%. This is the Dymatize Elite Whey.

WPI is the Dymatize Elite Whey

WPI is the Dymatize Elite Whey.

The IE process is used to separate molecules of different substances from each other by means of an electric charge on different molecules. It can make the most protein purity. This could result in concentrations of this protein supplement up to 97-98% by dry weight.

WPI(Dymatize Elite Whey) is a cream colored powder and cream that has flavor of naturally milk like WPC

It can be treated sub proteins that has the special features are better and has sodium content is less than this bodybuilding supplement through the IE process. It is a cream colored powder and cream that has flavor of naturally milk like WPC, but the price is more expensive than.

Types of whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey): WPC

WPC is a cream colored powder and cream that has flavor of naturally milk

Whey (Dymatize Elite Whey) is a protein extracted from cow's milk by using cow's milk isolated from process of cheese making, bring it to extract parts of carbohydrates and fat come out to provides remaining the purified protein that concentration and bring drying process to be in powder form.

WPC (Dymatize Elite Whey ingredients) extract is rich in full amino acids.

The proteins are generally divided into three categories

Whey Protein Concentrate: WPC.

Production of WPC (Dymatize Elite Whey ingredients) from bringing whey in the process initially, coming through Ultra filtration or other processes to separate lactose and fat have a lot to, come out and then dried. This protein powder will be it concentration greater than about 29-89% by weight. It is a cream colored powder and cream that has flavor of naturally milk.
WPC (Dymatize Elite Whey ingredients) contains full amino acids for both 8 species that the body cannot create by itself

WPC (Dymatize Elite Whey ingredients) extract is rich in full amino acids.

WPC extract is rich in full amino acids for both 20 kinds. It contains full amino acids for both 8 species that the body cannot create by itself and is also Branched-chain amino acid to high. This will increase the levels of Growth Hormone, enhances protein synthesis and glycogen and help increase muscle size. WPC is also bioactive compound higher to prevent infection and increase the immune system as well.

The origins of the whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey)

Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) originating from the process of milk to make cheese

Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) originating from the process of milk to make cheese

In the past, when using the milk making a cheese by the process of makes milk to sedimentation is sticky lumps called curd and use curd to make cheese. It does have parts of liquid that waste, which is left out. Villagers use this waste as feed of cattle. The cattle are fed with milk residue are growing well.

Protein from the milk residue as Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey)

Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) make from the milk residue.

Later the milk residue was used to research. It was found that the residue milk is very high quality protein (Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate) than the typical natural foods. And protein from the milk residue, the body can be protein to deploy quickly.

The body can use Dymatize Elite Whey to repair and build tissues

The body can use this protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) to repair tissues.

The body can use this protein to repair and build tissues as well and many proteins in this fluid have a special feature such as enhance the body's immune system, against infection and fight against cancer. It's not just the waste from the production of cheese sold and a lead to the production of liquid is serious.

Today it has developed to the stage of separate production type of proteins that have special features come out. Once it was the liquid wastes from the production of cheese, it was found that this is valuable whey later.

Dymatize Elite Whey Protein: nutrients that use as the main structure of the muscle.

Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) is a high quality source of protein. It is rich in amino acids, BCAAs, and completes all 20 species. It is protein that easy to digest. The body can absorb to build muscle quickly and build muscle to a larger size including help to repair muscle loss during vigorous exercise effectively.

Dymatize Elite Whey Protein contains

1. Amino acids that is absolutely necessary in large doses.
It is a high quality protein  according to requirements of the FDA and World Health Organization (FAO / WHO 1993).

2. Beta-Lactaglobulin in Dymatize Elite Whey protein
It is a substance that helps to create glutathione, which is antioxidant. It can help slow down the degeneration of the body and help the liver eliminate toxins from the body. It can also treat cancer, heart disease, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, liver disease, kidney disease, HIV, status in male infertility and conditions deafness from noise. A side effect of glutathione is to make white.

3. Alpla - Lactabumin.
Dymatize Elite Whey Protein is rich in species of branched (Leucin, Lsoleucine and Valine) that helps to build muscle mass.

4. Immunoglobulins 
Including IgG, IgM and IgE, These are substance that enhances immunity against pathogens and cancer.

5. Lactaferrin 
Substances that help remove bacteria that are toxic and support the bacteria that beneficial provide to grow in the intestine.