Whey is especially important for the work that best of our body. It is even more important for pregnant mothers, children and adolescents, because it offers component of growth associated with them all.
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WPI is a protein in high purity and contains 90-95% protein. It has no fat or carbohydrates. But they are important amino acids, high quality and small size and are absorbed quickly into muscle recovery. There are many different forms depending on the proportion of protein from 25-89%. And often contain carbohydrates, fat and minerals in small amounts.
The Dymatize Elite Whey is the ability to absorb.
The low amount of protein, the amount of carbohydrate and fat is higher as well. The most significant advantages of WPI (the Dymatize Elite Whey), it is the ability to absorb. After exercise, our bodies need protein and WPI can enter into the bloodstream and muscle tissue quickly.The Dymatize Elite Whey
It is a natural product that has been extracted from the milk that the biological value of nature in its entirety. It is a WPI (the Dymatize Elite Whey) and the source of the amino group of Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) including the Glutamine highest than other source of protein by giving the L-Cysteine to the body. It's the flavoring by using sucralose as sweetener, which it is a sweetener that is low cholesterol.Why choosing the Dymatize Elite Whey?
- Absorbed by the body faster and better. Without causing bloating or dyspepsia- Easy to eat. And can be mixed with a variety of hot and cold beverages.
- This whey contains about 90% protein.
- It contains carbohydrates, fat, lactose, not more than 0.5%.
- This whey is ideal for those who want to control weight and body shape.
The Dymatize Nutrition has a laboratory of taste to design the smell and taste. This is the point different from other companies.
Dymatize Elite Whey is certified by NSF GPM and FDA.
All the production is certified by NSF GPM and has been inspected by FDA. So the Dymatize Elite Whey is certified by them as well. In terms of whey supplements in tablet form, they have been manufacturing under strict control. All of the above is to produce the highest quality.However, Dymatize has seen a significant to ensure that the quality of the product. In every detail, they are controlled in every detail whether the purchasing, process, blending and packaging. This is the cheapest, while they can ensure security and efficiency every detail.
The Dymatize Elite Whey has highest quality
Dymatize Nutrition has a contract to provide supplements that highest quality to build a better body. They have dedicated time, effort and funding. When you use the products of them, you know you have the best.Dymatize products are safe, highest quality and most effective. This is the most important part for us. One thing they give us confidence in the quality, it is that they control, quarantine a products and feed for 3 days during the purity test on several occasions in their laboratory to ensure the highest standards set.
Dymatize Elite Whey is different from other brands of sports supplements.
Each of the test, their products are designed to be the safest delivery, most effective and consistent quality to the market. For this reason, it is a product that is different from other brands of sports supplements on the market.The Dymatize Elite Whey protein is one product that has the quality of them.
In addition to provision of products that the highest quality and safe, another reason that makes them stand out from competitors and others, this whey produced in the form of powders, pills and liquids such as the Dymatize Elite Whey.In the production area to 193,000 square feet that includes a variety of tools, 3 of the research laboratory and 4 of quality control laboratory. All this is included in the same area of the Dymatize Nutrition.
Dymatize Nutrition
It is known that Dymatize has a reputation for selecting high-quality protein. This time, they will produce whey to high quality. It's called the Dymatize Elite Whey to combine with extremely high quality for you.
The Dymatize Elite Whey has not added fructose, salt or carbohydrates.
This Whey is the perfect blend of whey protein Concentrate, i-on exchange WPI and peptides elite. It has not added fructose, salt or carbohydrates, but it is added to the enzyme that as copyrights called the Elite Zytrix ® to increase the efficiency of absorption and reduces allergy symptoms of sugar lactose (milk allergy) in some individuals. It is a protein that plays an important role in recovery and muscle building.About Dymatize Elite Whey
Dymatize Nutrition was founded in 1994 and a leader of high quality food to those who are interested in fitness including Athletes around the world. They are well-known company in over 50 countries around the world.7. People with diarrhea, bloating after drinking milk, they consume The Dymatize Elite Whey supplement, is beneficial or not.
The most common cause of people to bloating and diarrhea after drinking milk, it often caused by the body cannot digest the sugar in milk that called lactose. But they can eat WPI or The Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate, because it contains lactose less than 0.1 g per cup (20 grams) of whey, which is a very small amount of lactose.8. Children, adolescents and pregnant women to eat the Dymatize Elite Whey are a good way or not.
This whey is good for these people. It has high quality protein. Children and adolescents is growing or pregnant women that fetal is developing can benefit from it as well, which it has a large amount of alpha-lactalbumin in the second. It is one of the core proteins in the mother's milk.9. Children can eat the Dymatize Elite Whey instead of plain milk, it is good or not.
It's not good to eat instead of plain milk, because children need fat for tissue or organ, which has lipid as composition and is very low in fat.5. Eating the Dymatize Elite Whey to make muscle grow as a bodybuilder or not?
Eating the Dymatize Elite Whey alone cannot cause muscle growth immediately. It requires training muscles with dumbbell, playing consistently. This causes the stimulation of muscle to grow, which it is a good raw material that muscles can use to build it to grow up more efficiently than other protein foods. But Wayne does not have a mixture of chemicals or hormones that stimulate muscle growth, it is a protein or milk products containing protein is very high quality only.6. Eat the Dymatize Elite Whey, it is cancer or not.
It also no to evidence on this issue, whey is one of dairy product. It is also no to evidence that eat milk or milk products in a long time, can cause cancer. However, there are precautions that must be taken into account always when food is in the process industry. It may be contaminated with dirt or carcinogens. But today, it has no to reports of cancer from eating the Dymatize Elite Whey. But safety first in everything (not just the carcinogens), you should choose product that is reliable such as the products tested or under supervision by the state.
9 questions,
3. We eat Dymatize Elite Whey protein without eating meat, milk, eggs and beans?
The whey very useful to the body of this size, but if we eat Dymatize Elite Whey without eating meat, milk, eggs and beans, it is good or not?You should not consume this bodybuilding supplement alone, because it is a good just any, but it also has other nutrients your body needs such as the essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc.
4. We eat the amount of WPC more to get the amount of protein at equal the WPI (The Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate)?
Know that in the WPI (the Elite Whey) has concentration of protein than WPC, but if want to protein content in equal WPI. This refers to eat the amount of WPC more to get the amount of protein at equal the WPI. This is that true?It is actually only about the amount of protein. If you eat WPC enough to, the protein is equal to or greater than the WPI (The Dymatize Elite Whey). Your body is the amount of fat and lactose along with.
9 questions,
1. The Dymatize Elite Whey is made from cow's milk. So drinking milk instead of whey is better?
This bodybuilding supplement in cow's milk is only about less than 1% by weight (approx. 0.7%). So if you want to eat 25 grams of it. You need to drink milk more than 3,000 ml per times, which is almost impossible in practice. If you eat huge milk, you will be fat as well. This may cause flatulence or diarrhea due to the large amount of lactose.A2. Intake of amino acids alone, without taking Dymatize Elite Whey is good or not?
Actually, our body will absorb the amino acids of the protein alone is not good as in the form a short peptide. So the protein that is broken down into peptides is absorbed from the best available. Moreover, the Dymatize Elite Whey isolate is the proportion of amino acids that are very natural. The body can be decomposed into amino acids to create a new protein highly effective.The muscles are converting the BCAAs into glucose immediately. It also showed that BCAAs (the nutrients in Dymatize Elite Whey) can provide power up to 10-15% of the total energy that the body needs exercise. More importantly, it has not to effect on the muscle wasting or atrophy during that is not exercising. It allows for long term exercise and not fatigue easily. It also reduces abdominal fat as well.
Dymatize Elite Whey can increase muscle size.
Whey protein has the amino acid to another that called a glutamine. It is an amino acid that increases protein synthesis and glycogen, which it can increase muscle size, stimulating the level of growth Hormone and the immune system to the body as well.Dymatize Elite Whey is products originating from factory that has been standardized.
Those who do not eat dairy foods are often not able to get enough this bodybuilding supplement, but it can find from other sources such as the supplement is these protein. You should consume protein products originating from countries with strict legal control and factory has been the standard of the various organizations such as the Elite Whey.You should not choose a diet supplement that is cheaper too or manufacturing that is not standard. The Dymatize Elite Whey is made from factory that has been standardized and it has gained the trust of many consumers.
In the process of manufacturing cheese, clear liquid that is a byproduct of the process of converting milk into cheese. It is whey (the Dymatize Elite Whey). This is a great source of protein. Moreover, the interest in this protein is essential amino acids for both 8 species that the body cannot synthesize and production itself.
Dymatize Elite Whey has Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs).
There are also studies that groups of amino acid called Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), the essential amino acids 3 species are Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine was found in this bodybuilding supplement (the Dymatize Elite Whey). The three amino acids are critical for growth, strengthen the body's immune system, help restore and strengthen muscles and infrastructure development of the body.Dymatize Elite Whey has amount of protein higher than eggs
It has amount of protein higher than eggs and it was held that high protein than soy, wheat and meat is very major difference between whey and egg is the amount of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). This is why it is a better source of protein for those who want to improve body and muscle growth, while physical activity can be used Branched-Chain Amino Acids as an energy source.The Dymatize Elite Whey has an important role in helping to enhance athletic performance
You get Dymatize Elite Whey before and after exercise. It is used in sports to enhance and develop the structure of the body, muscles and bones.Milk contains two major parts are casein known that curd 70% and this bodybuilding supplement obtained from extraction of 30% from curd. On the other hand, the breastfeeding will have amount of casein only 30% and the amount of these protein are as high as 70%.
The Elite Whey protein is useful to the body.
The scientists tried using whey of milk to replace breastfeeding in feed the baby. This shows that the Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate is foods source that useful to the body is very high.Normal amount of protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) that the body should be in each day is 1 g per 1 kg body weight such as the weight of 60 kg should receive 60 g of protein per day. For athletes or bodybuilders that desired build bigger muscles, the recommended dose is 1.5 to 2 g per 1 kg body weight or about 2 times the amount of it should receive each day.
This is because the body needs to use more protein to build muscle. This is example of calculations for those who want to build muscle, if 60 kg body weight, it is 90-120 grams of it per day as needed.
How to take Dymatize Elite Whey timing for most effective?
The appropriate time to eat is during the exercise period in 2 hours. In general, it is recommended to eat before exercise 30 minutes or within two hours after exercise, or both. This helps the body absorb the protein into the body to build muscle as effectively as possible. By Mix 2 tablespoons of this bodybuilding supplement (Dymatize Elite Whey) powder, with 300-400 ml of water or juice, shake well before eating.Choosing the type of Dymatize Elite Whey for intake is based on the purpose of training at that time.
WPC will help to build muscle directly. It is appropriate for typical athletes, weight gain or those who want to build muscle quickly, because it has a wide range in the market.
For building muscle more efficiently, you should consider the WPC formulations with high amounts of protein. This means that the amount of fat and low sugar. But for those who want to gain weight, you should choose a WPC formula that has not very high percentage of protein, because it weight gain will be from fat and carbohydrate that mixed.
The WPI or the Dymatize Elite Whey has fat and carbohydrates very low.
Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate is ideal for professional athletes, bodybuilders that desired sharpness of the muscles and build muscle at the same time.The scientific evidence indicates that the protein is in the form of peptides is absorbed by the body better than large molecules and better than free amino acids. It is believed that it is digested and absorbed as soon as possible. It is likely to cause allergies, less than other protein (Dymatize Elite Whey). It is often used as a milk formula for infants or special medical purposes.
It is similar to the Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate that is being processed hydrolyzes.
The disadvantage of the HWP is a very bitter taste. In the hydrolyze process, the protein with special features may damage. In addition, it is expensive. The HWP 100% is not available in the market. However, some brands use it mixed with other protein, which it depends on the manufacturer's formula to increase some advantages, but the price will increase. Typically, protein available, usually it mixed not exceeding 20%, because it tastes bitter.Whey Protein Isolate: WPI (Dymatize Elite Whey)
Obtained from implementing by using WPC coming through the production process additional, is the Ion-exchange (IE) or Cross-flow microfiltration (CFM) to remove lactose and fat, which is still available for another. This causes the concentration of this bodybuilding supplement is higher than 90%. This is the Dymatize Elite Whey.
WPI is the Dymatize Elite Whey.
The IE process is used to separate molecules of different substances from each other by means of an electric charge on different molecules. It can make the most protein purity. This could result in concentrations of this protein supplement up to 97-98% by dry weight.It can be treated sub proteins that has the special features are better and has sodium content is less than this bodybuilding supplement through the IE process. It is a cream colored powder and cream that has flavor of naturally milk like WPC, but the price is more expensive than.
Whey (Dymatize Elite Whey) is a protein extracted from cow's milk by using cow's milk isolated from process of cheese making, bring it to extract parts of carbohydrates and fat come out to provides remaining the purified protein that concentration and bring drying process to be in powder form.
The proteins are generally divided into three categories
Whey Protein Concentrate: WPC.
Production of WPC (Dymatize Elite Whey ingredients) from bringing whey in the process initially, coming through Ultra filtration or other processes to separate lactose and fat have a lot to, come out and then dried. This protein powder will be it concentration greater than about 29-89% by weight. It is a cream colored powder and cream that has flavor of naturally milk.
WPC (Dymatize Elite Whey ingredients) extract is rich in full amino acids.
WPC extract is rich in full amino acids for both 20 kinds. It contains full amino acids for both 8 species that the body cannot create by itself and is also Branched-chain amino acid to high. This will increase the levels of Growth Hormone, enhances protein synthesis and glycogen and help increase muscle size. WPC is also bioactive compound higher to prevent infection and increase the immune system as well.Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) originating from the process of milk to make cheese
In the past, when using the milk making a cheese by the process of makes milk to sedimentation is sticky lumps called curd and use curd to make cheese. It does have parts of liquid that waste, which is left out. Villagers use this waste as feed of cattle. The cattle are fed with milk residue are growing well.
Whey protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) make from the milk residue.
Later the milk residue was used to research. It was found that the residue milk is very high quality protein (Dymatize Elite Whey protein isolate) than the typical natural foods. And protein from the milk residue, the body can be protein to deploy quickly.The body can use this protein (Dymatize Elite Whey) to repair tissues.
The body can use this protein to repair and build tissues as well and many proteins in this fluid have a special feature such as enhance the body's immune system, against infection and fight against cancer. It's not just the waste from the production of cheese sold and a lead to the production of liquid is serious.Today it has developed to the stage of separate production type of proteins that have special features come out. Once it was the liquid wastes from the production of cheese, it was found that this is valuable whey later.
- 9 questions (4)
- Amino acids (7)
- BCAAs (2)
- Bloodstream (1)
- Bodybuilding (9)
- Bodybuilding supplement (4)
- Calories (1)
- Cancer (3)
- Cholesterol (1)
- Diarrhea (1)
- Elite Zytrix (1)
- Enzyme (1)
- FDA (1)
- Fat (1)
- Fructose (1)
- GPM (1)
- Gain weight (1)
- HWP (1)
- Hydrolyz (1)
- Hydrolyzed Whey Protein (1)
- I-on exchange (1)
- Isoleucine (1)
- Leucine (1)
- Muscle (1)
- NSF (1)
- Pregnant women (1)
- Protein subunits (1)
- Protein supplement (1)
- Tissues (1)
- Valine (1)
- WPC (2)
- WPI (6)
- cow milk (1)